Centos 8 configure ffmpeg ERROR: gmp not found

IssueIn Centos 8, I download the ffmpeg source.$ git clone https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpegB...
Dec 09, 2020 Linux Comments 0

yogakit/yogakit.modulemap' not found in React Native 0.63

IssueXcode: 12React Native: 0.63.2When I try to run iOS in release sheme within Xcode, I get an erro...
Nov 09, 2020 React Native Comments 0

Download a file with aria2c using multiple connections

IssueIn Windows, we can use Internet Download Manager (IDM) and Neat Download Manager (NDM) to downl...
Oct 31, 2020 Linux Comments 0

Missing LIBEAY32.dll when run wget on Windows

IssueI try to use wget on windows 10 / windows server 2008 r2 / windows server 2012 r2 and so on, I ...
Oct 12, 2020 Windows Comments 0

Really clear termial in Linux/Unix

IssueIn windows command prompt, we can use cls to clear screen. But this is not available on Linux o...
Sep 29, 2020 Linux Comments 0

Material-UI makeStyles function causes compilation error: No overload matches this call

IssueIn the React + TypeScript + Material-UI project, using the makeStyles method, the code is as fo...
Sep 24, 2020 Javascript Comments 0

Get the printers on Printserver

This article describes how to find printers on the network or server/local.1. Using EnumeratedPrintQ...
Sep 19, 2020 C# Comments 0

After upgrading iOS to 13.6, Xcode debug error "iPhone is not available.Please connect the device"

IssueAfter upgrading iOS to 13.6, I connet my iPhone to debug, but I get an error message saying "iP...
Sep 12, 2020 Objective C Comments 0

Enable ngx_http_ssl_module on Mac. error /bin/sh: ./config: No such file or directory

IssueI compile the source code of Nginx on Mac OS, enable the ngx_http_ssl_module, and run the follo...
Sep 09, 2020 Nginx Comments 0

Missing MFPlat.dll in Windows Server 2008 R2

IssueTo install ffmpeg in Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, I download the Windows EXE Files in http:...
Sep 05, 2020 Windows Comments 0