Automatic line wrapping in Jetbrains ide
We can enable/disable line wrap in JetBrains development tools, including Toolbox App, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, ReSharper, Rider, CLion, Datalore, DataGrip, RubyMine, AppCode, GoLand, ReSharper C++, dotPeek, dotTrace, dotMemory, dotCover, YouTrack, TeamCity, Upsource, Hub, Kotlin, MPS, PyCharm Edu, IntelliJ IDEA Edu.
- mac
Preferences -> Editor -> General
- windows
File -> Setting -> Editor -> General
Scroll to the Soft Wraps block. Check Soft-wrap files. In the following input box. Fill in the file extension format, separated by characters ';'.
php file, input ;*.php
js file, append ;.js
html file, appen ;*.html
cpp file, append ;*.cpp
java file, append;*.java
*.md; *.txt; *.rst; *.adoc; *.cpp; *.html; *.js; *.java; *.php