Support download with resume in PHP
RequirementIn web application, we often need to provide file downloads. For small files, there is no...
Insert string at specified position with PHP
Use PHP's substr_replace() method to insert a string into an existing string. Refer to substr_repla...
Generator random string with PHP
Two ways to generate random strings using PHP.1. With rand methodfunction generateRandomString($leng...
Include OpenSSL support of php 5 in Mac OS
IssueUsing the openssl_encrypt() method in Mac OS, something went wrong.Call to undefined function o...
Enable php_mbstring in PHP
IssueIn the PHP code, using the mb_strlen method, an error outputs as bellow.Call to undefined funct...
Linux make php 5 error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type ‘X509_EXTENSION’
IssueWhen compiling PHP 5 version in Linux, enable openssl extension. Run the following commands.$ ....
Check if folder is empty or not php
Because PHP's rmdir method can only delete empty folders, you need to determine whether the folder i...
Cannot find autoconf when running the phpize command
IssueIn order to debug php-7.4.7 with phpstorm. I download the xdebug source, and run the following ...
Detect the execution is from CLI mode in PHP
In PHP, there are two ways to determine if the current invocation is from CLI.With php_sapi_name met...
PHP configure error Package requirements (oniguruma) were not met
QuestionOn Linux/Mac systems, using PHP 7.4.6 to call mb_convert_encoding will cause a fatal error.E...
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