Git error fatal: No such remote 'origin'
On my computer, I run some commands to create git repository.
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ git init
$ echo '' > index
$ git add index
$ git commit -m "init"
And I want to push to remote server. So I create an empty repository on server. Run it.
$ git init --bare --shared test.git
Initialized empty shared Git repository in /develop/git/test.git/
On my computer, I try to use set-url to modify the remote of the repository, and I get an error.
$ git remote set-url origin ssh://user@
fatal: No such remote 'origin'
When I running git remote -v
, no addresses are displayed. So I need to add, not modify. Run:
$ git remote add origin ssh://user@
After running git remote -v
again, I can see the links of fetch and push.
$ git remote -v
origin ssh://user@ (fetch)
origin ssh://user@ (push)
Then push to server.
$ git push --set-upstream origin master